I publish and teach in Gender & Sexuality Studies, particularly on topics such as gender diversity, intimacies/sexualities/relationships, im-/possibilities of emancipatory learning spaces, and LGBTIQ* movements. My PhD project is centred around inclusions and exclusions within and across LGBTQIA*-related activism and academia, particularly in relation to knowledge politics, legitimacy and ethical expectations. Additionally, I currently work as a Coordinator at the Gender Research Office of the University of Vienna.
I have co-founded Qwir text + design, where I work on translations, other texts and design with Michael En. I am also a founding member of the Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies conference series, which seeks to bring together academics, activists, artists, therapists/counsellors and (other) practitioners, as well as the working group Inter*Trans_Nonbinary in the Austrian Gender Studies Association. Further, I have taught at, among others, the University of Vienna and the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and have facilitated various workshops and seminars, particularly on topics around (gender) diversity, including for HOSI Wien, the Austrian Students’ Union and the University of Applied Sciences Campus Wien.
2018. Cardoso, Daniel; En, Boka; En, David; Barker, Meg John; Muscarina, Sina; Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria (Eds.). Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies. Special Issue des Graduate Journal of Social Science, 14(1).
2016. Altenhofer, Marlene; Bachinger, Leo Matteo; En, Boka; Engelhart, Jasmin; Neumann, Victoria; Pöchhacker, Nikolaus; Pöll, Mercedes; Prendl, Angela (Eds.). Ideologies, Ambitions and Utopias in Science and Technology. Special Issue des Graduate Journal of Social Science, 12(2).
2022. Haschemi Yekani, Elahe, Magdalena Nowicka & Tiara Roxanne. Andere Sichtweisen auf Intersektionalität: Revisualising Intersectionality. (Postediting En, Boka & En, Michael) Springer VS.
2021. Dietze, Gabriel , Elahe Haschemi Yekani & Beatrice Michaelis. Seinsweisen oder Kategorien: Intersektionalität und ihre Methoden queeren (Trans. En, Boka & En, Michael). In: Astrid Mefebue Biele, Andrea Bührmann & Sabine Grenz (Eds.) Handbuch Intersektionalitätsforschung. Springer VS.
2019. Diverse. Keynotes der 10th European Feminist Research Conference (Trans. En, Michael & En, Boka)
2017. Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser, AÖF & Wiener Interventionsstelle gegen Gewalt in der Familie, IST. Österreichischer NGO-Schattenbericht für GREVIO (Trans. En, Boka & En, Michael).
2015. Rothe, Verena; Kreutzner, Gabriele; Gronemeyer, Reimer (Trans. En, Boka; En, Michael; & En-Griffiths, David). Staying in Life: Paving the Way to Dementia-Friendly Communities. transcript.
I believe that the aim of learning is not rote learning of pre-set answers to equally pre-set questions, but a cooperatively developing a knowledge process that is connected to participants’ lives (see e.g. the works of bell hooks and Paulo Freire). In these processes, I work to engage critically with societal and institutional power relations and coercive mechanisms as well as their effects on learning. My courses also often seek to draw on different forms of knowledge and relate them to each other – specifically academic, activist, artistic and participants’ experiential knowledges.
Ich have been teaching at the universities of Vienna, Klagenfurt and Salzburg as well as the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna since 2015. In 2016, Mer Pöll and I were awarded Teaching Award of the University of Salzburg. Below are some of the courses I have taught: